Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Diya First Trip - Singapore 23/07/2011

23/07/2011 - Diya first oversea trip (actually 2nd one coz the 1st one masa dalam perut gi China..hahahha..)
We have a last min to go to singapore with my inlaws and gara2 untie J buat rombongan cik kiah la pi singapore dgn other we decided to follow la..

Memula buat passport Diya..alahai anak dara ni..pantang nampak kamera asyik nak senyum jaa..she got such a cute passport picture..ibu pun xpenah ada passport muka yg senonoh tau...hahahhaha..
Comeinya anak dara sorang ni...
So we went with 1 car..kuar umah around 630am..daddy drive kat depan dgn noqli and my inlaws n myself kat blakang pangku Diya..Macamla dia yg drive..Diya slept the whole journey sampai RNR mana tah we stop jap coz daddy dah penat drive..tukaq pampers..bagi minum and then sambung tiduq lagi..this time i drive coz daddy dah lalok i drive to grand paragon hotel jb..jumpa all her uncles, tok n wan Diya kat sana..mandi kat sana and siap2 la..funny part masa kat hotel..since both tok n wan ada so macam berebut2 lak nak jaga anak dara ni..hahahhaha..

By the time we reach singapore dah almost 3pm (including dgn sesat bangat semua)..alhamdulillah Diya releks jee..terkebil2 tgk pemandangan...hahahhaha...

We stayed at  Amara Sanctuary Hotel Sentosa..very cozy hotel but too bad my lil princess dont really like the place..tempat ni cantik and dia buat ala2 Balinese..bila lalu dekat hallway to the room..Diya dah gelisah..she looks soo scared..alamakkk..dia buat dahhh..i pun start la baca2..masuk2 bila dia buat nangis teruk2..alahaiii sian anak ibu nampak benda pelik2 la tuh..cek2 bilik ada pulak bibble (org kata kalau hotel ada bibble maksudnya ada benda/keras skit la kata la kan..)10-15min after that Diya dah ok skit dah..alhamdulillah la...dah bleh main2 dgn daddy n pakngah dia..

Lepas dah pack2..we go out for late lunch dkt Vivo city..Diya releks jee naik bas..seronok dia naik bas first time..jalan2 pun xpakai stroller..daddy dukung dlm carrier tu..dok kat sana for couple of hours sampai baru sedar susu Diya nak abis..apa lagi cepat2 la berangkat ke hotel balik..

Sampai2 hotel..alamak jadi balik..lalu lorong tu jee Diya buat muka stresss..nampak lg la tuhh...hmmmm...alhamdulillah xteruk sgt mcm mula2 masuk bilik bagi Diya mandi..bukak2 baju..tuuddiiiaaaa ruam banyak giler kat badan especially bawah tengkuk..anak mat salleh tul..xbleh panas skit...ehehehheh...malam tu apa lg operasi lumuq satu badan dgn losyen la anak dara tuh..

lepas isyak n daddy gi jalan dating dua HRC..bought Diya first hardrock kalau gi jalan2 asyik beli barang Diya ja dulu..barang ibu ni dah brapa lama xdpt baru ni..hahahhaha..

Balik2 bilik tgk anak dara ni dah tiduq dahh..hotel bagi 2 single beds yg cantum jadi 1..diya tiduq between my mother inlaw n i..kira dekat2 lubang tengah katil tu la..(actually jauh la gak dari lubang tuh)..anak dara ni tiduq ganaih tul..camna dia bleh himpit kat ibu dia ni..pastu punya la ngantuk sampai tangan terlekat kat tengah pun no hal jee..xsedaq langsung...hehehhehe..alahai la anak ibu ni..goodnite sayang..sweet dream :)

Diya @ 2 months

I know my lil princess akan membesar as smart person..macam daddy n ibu dia la..heheheh.. I still remember things Diya can do masa dia 2 months..let the list starts...

1) She can hold/grab finger...pas dah pegang jari..kerja nak masuk dalam mulut and tokak...hahhaha..
2) She can see objects and follow it..pantang nampak kaler merah mesti sooo teruja anak ibu sorang nih.. There's a day where daddy pakai baju merah..tak berkelip2 Diya tengok daddy..
3) She loves to stand..kuat sungguh kaki sedangkan baru 2 bulan tapi berlagak cam dah 2 tahun..
4) Dah start tarik rambut ibu..
5) isap puting...hehehhehe..official date Diya isap puting - 25/07/2011 @ melaka...hehehhehe..
6) Suka sangat buat kepala turtle..asyik nak angkat kepala jee anak ibu ni..
7) gelak mengekek..especially dgn daddy..i always notice that Diya dgn daddy..Diya suka gelak..apa daddy buat Diya mesti gelak ngekek..when with me..if Diya cannot the one who can make her fall asleep cepat jee..kira daddy ni muka gelak..ibu ni muka tidur la..

Hhhmmm....what else ehh? i felt like she can do alot of things like she already dah besar sedangkan baru 2 bulan ++ jee...

Sayang anak ibu ni... :)

Monday, 18 July 2011

Gaya-Gaya Tiduq...

Gaya Sopan

Gaya Model

Gaya Berhemah

Gaya Senyum

Gaya Serender

Gaya YESSSS..!!

Gaya Pemimpin

Gaya I'm The Winner

Gaya Pemalu

Gaya Bebas

Gaya Tiduq Tak Sedaq Apa2 Dah..

Gaya Tiduq Ironman Terbang
Alahai anak aku nih...cara tiduq pun buat aku geram...hehehehhe...
One thing i know when ada baby...when ur stress..ur in bad mood..nampak your own baby peaceful..tenang sgt tengok depa nih..if depa dok tiduq pun..still rasa tenang gak

Ya Allah..Kau permudahkan la segala urusan ku ini...Aku bersyukur atas segala kurnia nikmat Kau berikan kepada diriku walaupun aku ini hanya insan hina..Alhamdulillah..MasyaAllah..

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Things Diya can do in her 1st month

I don't really know much about baby but to me..Diya progress very fast..I always told mama that Diya will get the "brain" part from my side and the "pretty" part from her daddy...hehehhehe... I'm saying la..but i know she will be a smart n pretty baby..everyday aku cakap.."Yaa...nanti besaq belajaq rajin2 naa..jadi dokter tau..jadi dokter pakar.." or sometimes.." Yaa..nanti besaq belajaq rajin2 naa..then bleh jadi dokter n parttime model." hahahaha...

So what can Diya do on her 1 st month??hhhmmm...let me think..
1) She can smile
2) She always do her mata juling..(geram aku aihhh...)hehehehhe...
3) She hates her butt everytime kencing or berak..she will angkat her legs tinggi..tak nak bagi kena pampers basah one time maybe penat sgt angkat kaki..lenguh kut..terus dia pusing badan ke tepi..
4) Suka sgt hisap jari..
5) U never mess around with her milk..lambat skit jaa..abis dia mengamuk..tangan drama 
queen..hehehhe..and suka sgt nak pegang botol sendiri..alahaii...

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

My Princess 1st week..

I remembered..the next day when i woke up..masyaAllah sakit satu badan..and to be honest i felt a bit frustrated coz i wish i can deliver normal..and i wont be having this painful moment. The frustration begun slightly worst where i cannot breastfeed Diya for the first time...frust sgt2..Everything i plan semua tak menjadi...Then Diya kena kuning lak..masyaAllah dugaan betul..

I remembered the nurse force me to wakeup by myself..walk to the toilet sendiri..adoiiii..rasa macam kena tores dgn pisau and then letak garak on that luka..fuhhhh...sakit sgt2!! but after walk for quite sometimes..alhamdulillah the pain reduce a bit la..tak la aku terbongkok2 macam nenek tua..

So masa dlm hospital..i need to go to the nursery room utk breastfeed Diya..i never had any experience with baby before..i never hold baby unless they're like atleast 1 year this is really something new for me..the nurse teach me how to hold to breastfeed her..couple of time Diya still don't know how to suck my nipple..and my milk also wasn't that much la..(another frustrated moment). Until the 3rd day baru Diya can drink my milk..alhamdulillah..

The funny part when in the nursery room..everytime i nak breastfeed take like 10min before she actually drink it...u know why??coz Ibu Diya ni so amaze seeing her..belek sana..belek sini..peluk laa..kiss laa..sampai Diya dah ngamuk2 nak milk baru la Ibu ni realised and bagila isap tetek..hahahhaha..

Diya admitted in hospital about 5 days..kecik jee aku tengok..masa nak bawak balik Daddy and Tok berebut nak pegang...hehhehehe..well si Tok guna kuasa veto.. conquer Diya sorang2..dukung dari keluar nursery sampai naik keta balik umah...hahahhah..sian Daddy dok tengok jaa...
                                                 Anak ibu baru sampai umah : 3/5/2011
                                               Ibu bagi milk..

Monday, 11 July 2011

Nurdiana Allisya Mizan Binti Nurmizan

Of all the time and day..this is the moment i'm freaking sure of that i wont me when you read this u definitely agree with me

28th April 2011 : 1230am - 830am
I still remember that i couldn't sleep well on that night..i felt like having bad stomachache..i thought coz i had heavy dinner ( i mean REALLY HEAVY DINNER..well that is the best part being pregnant where you can actually wallapppp everything & anything..hahahha) that whole night i just force myself to sleep..

28th April 2011 : 830am - 1130pm
I remember that day, mama, jah n me when to alor staq..well this pregnant lady craving for "nasi pumpong" ( the best nasik-lauk restaurant in alor staq )..well i eat like i never eat for 3 days..
gulai ikan keli - 2 ekoq..
kerang - 1 mangkuk..
daging bakaq - 1 mangkuk sederhana besaq

Then fnish lepak at maksu's house..maksu buat surprise..masak my favourite mee kari kerang..waaaauuuu!! the lunch is at 1pm...and the tea at 330pm...after lepaking..i felt like having tea-session (macamla kat rumah xbleh bancuh kopi kan...) so we when out to one of the kopitiam..makan lagiii..gosshhh!! :P

After all the makan session..its almost we decided to drive back to penang..on the way back i felt very minor stomach-cramp..well i thought is because of the food i ate macam org when we reach penang..mama wanted to go to banks to pay some bills and also drop at untie shidah's house to take some medicine she ordered the time we reach at untie shidahs' almost 1130pm..and guess what?? that is the first time i felt my really painful contraction..masyaAllahhhh..dah la dalam kereta with space constraint.. adooiiihhh...i try not to get mama ask jah to drive back to the house and ask me to clean up and see if i still having a contraction or just a false labor..

29th April 2011 : 12am - 3am
After shower..i felt few minor contraction..once in every 6 minutes (yeappp..i timed it..). Mama ask me to pack all the things and shoot to the hospital (Lam Wah Ee)..reach there and the nurse said if the lubang dah bukak..i need to admit..if not no need la..i dont event know how i feel..cuak..panik..nervous..happy..mix-feeling weiii!! when the nurse check..ok dah kena admit la jawabnya...thank god i already told abang (my hubby) about it and his on the way back from KL to Penang...

How i felt??hhhmmmm...well for the first 3 hours wasn't that bad..i still can walk..and talk with the nurses.. and i pee alot!!

29th April 2011 : 3am - 9am the contraction getting bigger and be honest the front part i wasn't that pain ( i mean i still can tahan la..) but my back is freaking hurting badly..maybe due to my splitdics kut..i ask the nurse can give me epidural tak..well she said the department so called doing this only open at need to meantime she gave me the gas thingy to reduce my pain..oklaa...atleast something then nothing.. i depends on that gas thingy till i felt asleep..sedar2..abang dah sampai and its already 9am..fuhhhhh..

29th April 2011 : 9am - 1pm
MassyyaaAllahhhh...sakitnyaaaa...alhamdulillah aku still bleh fikir waras..sakit teruk camna pun aku still ingat Allah..aku mengucap and selawat almost all the time..prayng to Allah to reduce the pain..Oh ya..funny momment..since i depends on that gas thingy so much and fall the time i wake up and wanted to use the epidural..guess what??the nurse said that i cannot use it coz its too late..alamaakkk...i try to calm down myself..hoping the gas thingy can help laa...can it??cehhhh...dah tak ada beza pun...its like not using it at all..hahahahha..

Its already 7cm..memang sakit gilaa....dammnnn i still can picture it.. i still remember this stupid nurse..acting like she's the doctor..the doctor come n check telling me its already 7cm..and suddenly that nurse come and check..kata its only 5cm..lambat lagi..WTF??? the next time i see that nurse im sure going to slap her damn badly :P

Its already 9 already ask me to push and masyaAllah sakit sangat2!!..i push till im out of energy..and i told abang that i want to operate coz i really cannot hold any longer..abang check with the doctor..and doctor said yupppp..i need to operate coz the baby's forehead dah pusing ke atas and thats why its hard to get out...

29th April 2011 : 125pm
alhamdulillah..Nurdiana Allisya Mizan Binti Nurmizan selamat dilahirkan..i remembered the doctor wake me up to show me..she is soo cute and i remember i said "ehhh comeiiinyaaa" and the doc n nurses gelak...hehehhehe...yupppp my baby is super cute!

So that's the journey having my lil princess..She was 2.98kg..47cm long
1st day - Just finish cleanup

                                                      1st Baby Picture - dah pandai senyum :)


I always wanted to write a blog about know like telling ppl how i felt..what amaze me..what catch my funny my boyfriend or now my know things like that..however i just realise i dont really have much to share with..adoiii...boring ka hidup aku ni??

But now..i got so many things to share all about my new passion..sapa lagi kalau bukan my super-cute lil princes.. Nurdiana Allisya Mizan Binti Nurmizan.. :)

She is sooo! Combination of genetic ibu's brain and daddy's good look hahahhah..

       23rd August 2010 - The day i know i'm pregnant :)